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Exploring the possibilities of fine chemical materials and contributing to the development of tomorrow’s society.

Precision polishing pads that are the foundation of the finishing process essential for manufacturing the latest electronic products developed through advances in computers and IT. Artificial leathers that bring color to people’s lives and have long appealed to our unique sensibilities with an unchanging sense of value. In both of these fields, FILWEL offers a lineup of fine chemical material products developed based on artificial leather manufacturing technologies cultivated for over half a century. Our products are highly valued by our customers and used in a wide range of fields.

The environment around us and how we live will continue to change and diversify against a backdrop of ever-evolving technological innovation, changing lifestyles and needs brought about by globalization, and efforts to realize a sustainable society based on the need to preserve the earth’s finite resources and environment.

People, technology, life, nature.
We believe that it is our corporate mission to bring together the various pieces of the puzzle of this new era and ask ourselves what we can do to contribute to the development of tomorrow’s society. We promise to walk hand-in-hand with our customers as we continue to pursue the possibilities of fine chemical materials.

President, FILWEL Co., Ltd.

Hiroyuki Wakahara

Management Philosophy of Air Water Group

Management philosophy is a concept that serves as the basis of action policy for all the businesses of the Air Water Group.

The origins of the AIR Water Group’s business can be found in its name, which consists of two words: “air” and “water.”
We make use of the resources of our precious earth to create businesses and contribute to society and everyday life.
Amid a business environment that continues to change at a dizzying pace, we will continue to leverage the Group’s collective capacities to tackle problems faced by our customers and society, and will rise to the challenge of creating new value.

Approach to Manufacturing

Customer-oriented—pursuing the very best for our customers

In today’s fast-paced world of technological innovation and diversification, we want to be your partner in continuing to deliver the products that best match your needs.

We have built a customer-oriented product development and supply system by understanding your needs and creating products in an environment where the R&D, Quality Control, and Manufacturing departments can communicate from the prototype stage onward. We also work closely with the sales department and utilize our unique footwork to pursue total customer satisfaction, whether it be small or large lots or in response to delivery requirements.

Research and development—creating the next standard

By combining our proven track record with our imagination and sensibility, we will further improve our technical standards and create new possibilities that no one can imagine now.

FILWEL’s fine chemical materials have a long history and track record of success that has been passed down from our predecessor companies. Using these proven technologies as a springboard, our young engineers are utilizing their strong imaginations and fine-tuned sensibilities to tackle the challenge of creating new technical standards that will support the ever-changing and diverse society of tomorrow.

About Us

Trade name FILWEL Co., Ltd.
Representative Hiroyuki Wakahara, President
Address 3-1 Kanebo-cho, Hofu-shi, Yamaguchi Prefecture, 747-0823, Japan
Launch March 1, 2005
Capital 50 million yen
Shareholder composition Wholly owned by Air Water Inc.
Major businesses Manufacture and sales of precision polishing pads and artificial leathers


1965 Developed SBR artificial leather in Osaka based on the textile technology of Kanebo, Ltd.
1969 Announced lining material “Belesa” and launched the “Bellace” artificial leather business.
1981 Upgraded production facilities. Relocated factory to Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Built a base for manufacturing artificial leather using technologies such as DMF recovery.
1984 Established polyurethane-based production as basic technology.
1987 Began development of markets for precision polishing materials business. Expanded the photomask market.
1992 Entered the aluminum disc polishing field.
1997 Entered the glass disc polishing field. Started in-house polishing evaluation.
1999 Obtained ISO 9001 certification.
2001 Obtained ISO 14001 certification.
2004 FILWEL takes over all “Bellace” businesses from Kanebo, Ltd.
2005 Launch of business as FILWEL Co., Ltd.
2019 Became a wholly owned subsidiary of Air Water Inc.

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